This is my first post in my blog, wow. I have always wanted to make one, so it looks like I have achieved one of my objectives. I'm pretty happy about this.

As I already said on my About section, my name is Alix (although I also go by Alixie in some places), I'm from Galicia, Spain, and I love the Internet. Ever since I first entered the web (which looking back, it might have been a bit too soon), I have always done so. I'm obsessed with computers and software. I would say that the Internet is one of the best inventions of humanity, and probably the best one of the last 50 decades.

How much I love this all aside, everyone with more than two braincells can notice it has been getting worse, much worse. Yes, nothing will be as good as the old classic web, but the Internet has worsened in quality, even more these year. Most of the traffic has been redirected to the same five centralized webs, all of them full of toxicity, low-quality posts, attention span wasting algorithms, echochambers, propaganda, and bots. Don't get me started on bots and the Dead Internet Theory. I was tired of this, so I started to search for alternatives. After a short period of time, leaving most of these webs and looking, I have found copper, silver and gold: forums, imageboards, the indie web, etc... They are hundred of times better, which is something that I don't think I need to explain.

As expected, my Internet experience has been much better. I now love the Internet as much as I did back then. While they still exist, this part of the web has much more less of the problems I mentioned before, or even almost none. The interactions feel human, something which is missing a lot on social media. And I no longer have to deal with algorithms made with the intention of hooking me in and taking my data. I have discovered far more interesting things here than I would do with a decade of only social media. Not like I would have found that much even on a decade.

Now there was only one thing missing. I didn't have my own website. The biggest problem with social media is that it doesn't let you have your own space, and instead "rents" it to you. The price that you have to pay is having to deal with their rules, give them your data, and your attention. And they can break the contract if they want. Basically, you have no rights in there. So having your own personal website is something very important, as a way to have your own space where you can share your thougths without being restricted by their law or fearing about them being removed. Plus, the way social media is built virtually restricts you from making these posts. If you are reading this and don't have your own web, start coding now.

As for me, after days of coding, I have finally finished everything. This is my first post, and it's both my introduction and my web's. I will start making more posts soon, that will be longer than this. If you are reading this, thanks, and I hope your day goes great.